Inter-Seeding Cover Crops into Corn
Getting a good cover crop stand after harvest can be difficult, so farmers are inter-seeding cover
crops early into standing corn. Benefits include erosion control, extra nitrogen from legumes or
clovers, using grasses as nitrogen scavengers, weed suppression, and livestock forage (grazed or
hayed). Inter-seeding cover crops into corn early takes some planning; especially on timing,
planting equipment, and selecting cover crop mixes, seeding rates and herbicides.
Timing is critical so inter-seed before the corn canopies but not too early so that corn has to
compete for moisture and sunlight. Penn State research shows that about V5 (V4-V6) or when
corn has five true leaves is the ideal time. Planting earlier than V4 often results in competition
from the cover crops and corn yield losses. Planting after V6 may be successful, but the amount
of cover crop biomass may decline due to moisture and sunlight limitations. The goal is to get a
head start on cover crop growth before corn is harvested. If corn is growing slowly due to
weather, delay inter-seeding to avoid competition. Due to exponential corn growth under good
growing conditions, the inter-seeding planting window can be small and narrow, so be ready to
inter-seed cover crops on a timely basis.
Farmers often use a modified high clearance drill to inter-seed cover crops between corn rows.
Generally, cover crops are drilled into 2-3 rows between the growing corn (30-inch rows up to
60-inch twin rows). Commercial inter-seeders are available including the Penn State
“InterSeeder” and Hiniker. These seeders are adapted to apply nitrogen and herbicides. If you
decide to build or modify your own inter-seeder, plan ahead by thinking about how the unit will
be used (cover crops, fertilizer, spray) but also about how the seed will be planted (drilled or
broadcast). Larger seed should be drilled while small seed may be broadcast. Also, most interseeders are attached with 3-point hitch (6 rows) on corn in 30 inches rows. Larger farmers are
experimenting with larger units.
Manny different cover crops can be inter-seeded but the best ones tolerate shade and low
moisture. Cover crop seeding rates are quite variable. In cover crop mixtures, divide the full
seeding rate for each species by the number of cover crops in the mixture to determine the
approximate seeding rate in a mixture. See the Midwest Cover Crop Field Guide for full seeding
For soybeans, plant 12-20# (Group 7 soybeans) and put the seed close to the row to get a 5-12
corn bushel advantage in a good year. For legumes, winter peas work well in a wet year while
cowpeas do better under dry conditions (6-12#). Hairy vetch (2#) prefers well drained soil while
red clover (4-6#) can tolerate wetter soils or add Sunn hemp (5#). For small seeded clovers;
rates are generally low and might include crimson (4-6#), balansa (1-3#), red (4-6#), or berseem
clover (4-6#). All legume and clovers should be inoculated with the right species AT planting.
For grasses; oats (6-12#), annual ryegrass (6-12#), or cereal rye have been successful. Daikon
radish, kale, rape seed, and turnips (all brassicas) are seeded at low rates (.25-.75#) or add
pollinators to a mix like buckwheat (3-5#) or phacelia (.5#), or chicory or flax at low rates.
For corn herbicides; salfluenacil (Sharpen), rimsulfuron (Resolve and Basis), or Clarity and
Banvel (wait 15 days per 8 fluid oz) herbicides have the least herbicide injury to legumes,
clovers, grasses, and brassica cover crop mixtures. For 2-4D, all grasses are safe but broadleaves
need to wait 15-30 days before planting. Surestart + Atra is generally safe except for hairy
vetch. Since each field is different with different weed and cover crop species, general
recommendations are difficult. Check out Penn State (Curran and Lingenfelter), University of
Wisconsin (Herbicide Rotation Restrictions), and University of Missouri (Kevin Bradley) who
have extensive herbicide resources on corn inter-seeding.
Most university research shows no corn yield loss on late seeded cover crop mixtures in most
years. If planted too early or if severe drought occurs, yield losses can be severe (160 bushel in
one case). For crop insurance, check out the USDA-RMA cover crop guidelines. Your crop
insurance payment might be impacted if a crop loss occurs and you do not follow these
guidelines. Contact your crop insurance agent or University Extension and NRCS personnel to
avoid problems. Inter-seeding cover crops is still experimental but farmers are succeeding. PS:
Last week I mis-classified Trichoderma as bacteria, they are actually fungi!