5 Keys to Success for Roller-Crimping Covers
From getting a thick stand of cover crops to terminating them at the right time, roller-crimping experts explain the key components for weed control in organic no-till.
Rolling and crimping of cover crops is a crucial component to making organic no-tilling work, experts say.
Biomass left over from a healthy canopy of cover crops can suppress weeds, while roller-crimpers handle cover crop termination — all without the use of herbicides or tillage.
But ensuring that the cover crop grows enough biomass to suppress weeds and is completely killed requires dedicated management.
ESSENTIAL TOOL. Roller-crimpers, such as this one originally designed by The Rodale Institute, are perhaps the most important equipment for organic no-tillers to own, as they let growers terminate cover crops without chemicals and lay down thick mulch to smother weeds. (Photo Courtesy of The Rodale Institute)