Phosphorus Best Management Practices and Lime

Culman, Dayton, King, and Labarge, Ohio State University specialists (CORN Newsletter, 2014- 28) say “Current Ohio field research to minimize phosphorus losses at the edge of the field should start with the following recommendations to maximize productivity while minimizing environmental impacts on water quality. Avoid overloading soils. Soil test and follow tri-state fertilizer recommendations. Where soil test levels are above 40 ppm Bray P1 or 58 ppm Mehlich III-ICP, do not apply additional phosphorus in the corn-soybean rotation. These soil test levels require no additional fertilizer, according to the Tri-State Fertilizer recommendations. Fertilizing soils testing above these levels increases risk of P in runoff and tile drainage. Avoid winter application. Eliminate surface application of manure or fertilizer to frozen or snow-covered fields. Frozen ground is ground that is frozen to the degree that tillage is not possible. Surface applied manure or fertilizer is subject to runof...