
Showing posts from January, 2024

Soil Security

  Recently (January 2023), Derpsch and seven other world soil scientist (Including retired Don Reicosky, USDA-ARS) wrote about declining soil productivity worldwide. These are their direct findings. Life on earth has been sustained for 3.8 billion years due to life supporting “natural laws”. Humans have tilled the soil for more than 10,000 years. These scientist found that most tillage operations are short terms solutions but create long term problems. Most of our soil problems are the result of tillage and trying to correct those problems, but it only gets worse, not better with more tillage. A landmark study in 1995 by Pimmental and others, discovered that almost 1 Billion acres of farmable land or one-third the world’s farmable acreage had been lost to erosion. More than 95% of our food originates from soil and when soils degrade it threatens human survival. Derpsch and others (2006) outlined the negative effects of tillage. They include loss of soil organic matter (SOM) which holds

Corn Bushels and Crop Residue

Dr. Connor Sible, University of Illinois recently shared research on corn yields and corn crop residue. As corn matures, corn puts energy into creating kernels of corn. However, to make corn kernels, it takes roots, stalks, leaves, tassels, and cobs. Dr. Sible’s research shows that higher corn yield resulted in higher corn crop residue, which seems logical.  Dr. Sible reports every bushel of corn results in 43.7# of corn crop residue. For 200-bushel corn, that’s 8,740 pounds or 4.37 tons/acre of corn residue; for 300-bushel corn, 13,110# or 6.6 tons/acre. Most farmers struggle to get their crop residue to degrade, and as crop yields increase, so does the corn crop residue. Dr. Connor Sible and Dr. Fred Below are striving to get 300-bushel corn. Dr. Sible finds that weather contributes 2-ton residue/Acre, soil fertility (2 Ton), corn hybrid selection (1.1 ton), corn population (8 ton) with lesser amounts attributed to crop rotation (.4 ton), type of tillage (.3 ton) and biological facto

Striving for 300 Bushel Corn

At the 2024 National No-till Conference, Dr. Fred Below, University of Illinois talked about “Striving for 300-bushel Corn.” Almost all of his research was done on conventional tillage corn plots, however; he made important points that apply to all farmers striving for higher yields. With the world population currently 8 billion and reaching 9 billion by 2037, higher yields will be needed to feed the growing world population. Dr. Below emphasized three pre-requisite conditions that all farms need to follow to achieve optimal yields. First, good soil drainage and good soil structure. Without good drainage, roots can not grow to reach soil nutrients. Without good soil structure, both the soil microbes and root development is limited. Second, control all pests including weeds, insects, and diseases. Pests reduce yields by about 30% world-wide. Healthy plants can reduce the harmful effects of almost all agricultural pests. Third, soil test to get adequate fertility (pH, macro-, and micro-n

Improving Seed Germination

  Farmers struggle to get their crops and seeds planted to germinate quickly. When seeds are dormant, they wait for just the right conditions before germinating. Often environmental stresses like not enough moisture (drought) or lack of oxygen make seeds wait until conditions improve. Seeds have built-in mechanism that prevents them from germinating too soon. This cautious seed germination approach also tends to hurt plant yields, because plants gets off to a late start. Dr. Brad Binder, University of Tennessee has been working with various plant seeds and the plant hormone ethylene to study seed germination. Ethylene increases seed germination, increases leaf growth, and root growth early in a plant’s life. When applied later in the growing season, ethylene causes plants to mature quicker (senescence) or die off and it promotes fruit ripening. Dr. Binder exposed tomato, cucumber, and wheat seeds to ethylene in the dark just like when seeds are planted and found that when the seeds sta

Transitioning to Organic Farming

  With low corn, soybean, and milk prices and high input prices for fertilizers and chemicals; some farmers are considering transitioning to organic farming.  It’s a big step and not one easily taken.  Organic farming is not a get rich quick proposition.  Prices for organic corn are around $8/bushel, soybeans $20/bushel, and milk about $23-$25 per hundred pounds.  Organic farming takes a completely different mind-set but there are successful organic farmers. Before you make the jump to organic, do some research.   To go organic, you have to be efficient at recycling nutrients and controlling pests, especially weeds.  Usually, you’ll need to grow organic forms of nitrogen.  Start your education by visiting some organic farmers to see how they manage their farms.  Look at their entire farming operation and ask questions about farming history.  Ask about soil types, crops, livestock, crop rotation, tillage practices, when do they plant, where do they get their nutrients, and how do they h