Short Corn Varieties
Harvest has started and farmers were making considerable progress until the recent rains. Most farmers welcomed the rain since we have been in a major drought. For most corn and soybeans crops, the rain is probably too late, but it may help on late or double crop soybeans (planted after wheat) and for new wheat or cover crops being planted this fall. Of course, fruit trees, lawns, and other vegetation needed the rain. On crop harvest, it’s the first time I heard soybeans being harvested at 5-6% moisture and corn at 11% moisture! Normally, ideal moisture for soybeans is 14% and corn 15%. Harvesting at low moisture reduces yields at least 4-6%, so many farmers stopped harvesting or waited until nightfall to gain moisture. Depending upon how much rain was received, harvested moisture levels now are probably closer to normal. Looking forward to the future, once harvest is complete, farmers will start to plan for next year’s crops. A recent development is the research being done by Ba...