Roundup (Glyphosate) Alternatives
Roundup (chemical name glyphosate) is the most commonly used herbicide in the world. However, due to weed resistance and human health concerns, its days may be numbered. How will farmers control weeds chemically if this product is gone? The following is a highly technical summary of herbicide alternatives to using Roundup (common name) or glyphosate. One reason glyphosate was so popular was because crops like corn and soybeans were inserted with genetically modified genes that allowed the plant to survive the chemical application. Several crops now have genetically modified genes for various herbicides. The problem is that none are quite as good as glyphosate, either due to performance or lower cost. However, there are some options. Burndown chemicals are used at the beginning of the growing season to kill the first flush of weeds. Weeds compete with the main grain crop for moisture and nutrients. Killing weeds early is the best strategy. However, often cool soil and air temperat...